Technical Theater Co-Director, Performing Arts Teacher
Dance Director, English and Performing Arts Teacher
Technical Theater Co-Director, Performing Arts Teacher
Music Director, Performing Arts Teacher
Theater Director, Performing Arts Teacher
Sports Medicine Teacher
The philosophy of the Visual and Performing Arts Department is to create a community of reflective, thoughtful, risk-taking artists who pursue their own creative goals and self-expression in an environment that nurtures empathy through creative action and emphasizes art as an avenue for social justice.
We believe that art is subjective. Success in the Visual and Performing Arts is not judged on ability alone but on a student’s choice to invest effort into art. We encourage students to push past their personal limitations in pursuit of creative endeavors. Our department affirms that every student can participate and achieve artistic expression; at the same time, the department charges itself to nurture and counsel those students who demonstrate special inclination in arts for their own sake and the benefit of the world.