Events & Opportunities
The admissions department hosts a number of events and opportunities for prospective students and families. If you have not already done so, we encourage you to join our mailing list to stay informed.
Tours - Ongoing
Prospective families are invited to visit campus for a tour with a member of the admissions team to learn about our facilities and programs.
Open House - Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Prospective families are invited to visit the school to tour our campus, learn more about our programs and meet our amazing people. Click here for more information!
Virtual Information Nights - Fall 2024
Prospective families are invited to join us for an evening to learn about the Notre Dame experience and the admissions process.
Se forman Mujeres de Impacto: In Person Information Night (en Español) - Fall 2024
Enviar un correo electrónico para registrarse,
Class of 2029 Opportunities
Shadow Program - Fall 2024
Eighth graders are paired with a current freshman or sophomore student to view a typical school day at Notre Dame High School. The shadow visit includes meeting with a member of the admissions team, and a visit to classes. The program is filled on a first-come, first-served basis and is offered September to December.
Class Visits - Fall 2024
Notre Dame students and the admissions team will give presentations during the school day at local middle schools from September to November. Our students will share their first-hand experiences of Notre Dame, and leave participants with information about the admissions process and transitioning to high school. Ask your teacher to invite us!
Eighth Grade Day - Monday, Nov. 11, 2024, 8 a.m. - noon
Student Program: Students experience a day personalized for eighth graders to expose them to "life at ND" which includes an assembly, short classes, brunch, and a closing rally. The event is organized and implemented by the sophomore class, who will be "big siblings" to the incoming class. Click here for more information!
Parent/Guardian Program: Parents and guardians are invited to attend a special session hosted by members of the administration and admissions teams. The session will include a deeper dive into our distinctive programs and the opportunity to interact with a student panel. The event will be held on campus at the same time as the student program and has limited capacity.
High School Placement Test - Saturday, Jan. 11, 2025
Notre Dame has a test optional admissions process, which allows students the choice to take the HSPT or to submit an academic sample of work that they feel demonstrates their ability and potential. Students may still opt to take the test and submit the results to Notre Dame. Test registration is available through the applicant checklist in Ravenna once a student becomes an applicant. Please view the Frequently Asked Questions section of the application page for more information.
Class of 2030 Opportunities
L.E.A.D. (Learn. Empower. Act. Discover.)
As part of Notre Dame’s ongoing commitment to Catholic education and women’s leadership, we offer a series of workshops for young women currently in seventh grade at Catholic elementary schools in the Diocese of San Jose. The L.E.A.D. application for the 2024-25 school year opens in August. View our L.E.A.D program page to learn more.
Seventh Grade Preview Afternoons
- Tuesday, April 15, 3:30-5:30 p.m.
- Wednesday, April 30, 3:30-5:30 p.m.
The student program is for seventh graders who are interested in visiting our vibrant downtown campus and learning more about the co-curricular opportunities available to students at Notre Dame High School. Parents and guardians of students attending Seventh Grade Preview Afternoon Student Program are invited to attend our parent/guardian program that includes a welcome address from our Head of School and a personalized tour. For priority access to registration, join our mailing list now.
Get Started
Thank you for your interest in Notre Dame High School!
Stay informed about upcoming opportunities and events for the class of 2029 and beyond by joining our mailing list.
Contact us!
408-294-1113 x2165
Laila Omid '16
Director of Admissions
Caitlin Stone-Collonge '16
Admissions Project Coordinator and Yoga Teacher