Bryan Ringsted

Bryan Ringsted

Theater Director, Performing Arts Teacher

BA Theater Arts (Directing Specialization), San Jose State University
Teaching Credential (SJSU)
Career Technial Education Credential (Arts, Media, and Entertainment)

Professional Associations
International Thespian Society (ITS) Troupe Director
CA Educational Theater Association (CETA)
Educational Theater Association (EDTA)
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees

Courses Taught
Drama 1A - Evolution of Performance, Drama 1B - From Page to Stage, Drama II: Advanced Acting, Drama III: Directing for the Stage, Drama IV: Producing for the Theater

Co-Curricular Programs Directed
Theatrical Performance, Theatrical Leadership

Personal Statement
I am passionate about student leadership in the arts, and through my classes and productions I keep that passion central. The theater is a living organism with a thousand moving parts, all of which must work copesecticly in order for the show to dazzle and amaze. Each strong student leader is therefore able to take on their own part of that whole, and through their effort and creativity they are able to create something bigger than themselves.  Notre Dame is a perfect place to train the theatrial leaders of tomorrow.