The Notre Dame learning community came together for an assembly recently to celebrate the successes of the first semester and refocus on the theme for the year - RESPECT. ASB President Milan Williams '17:
This week we start many new things in our lives: a new president, new classes, new semester, and for some of us our last semester at Notre Dame. With these changes come new challenges, challenges that may make us excited, nervous or a combination of both. But these changes do not change who we are or what we stand for. This day, this week, this semester is still ours. We hold the power over ourselves and how WE treat others. So, I would like today to serve as a reminder that no matter what happens in the world, we will always, ALWAYS, have control over ourselves and what happens here at Notre Dame. Notre Dame is ours. We breathe life into this campus, each and every day. We are an unbreakable sisterhood.
I would like to focus on specific aspects of Respect we honor at Notre Dame and ask you to think about what promises you can make this semester:
Respecting Environment - A promise to respect our campus by keeping it litter free, especially places like the gym floor and out in Pardini Park. Being mindful of using water wisely, maintaining the cleanliness of the bathrooms.
Respecting Self - A promise to respect ourselves and our own unique strengths and working towards healthy eating, sufficient sleeping, to making time for self-care.
Respecting Faculty and Staff - A promise to respect these instrumental people who contribute to our lives in fundamental ways, whether through their passion for their subjects, their dedication to our education and well-being, or their constant mentorship and support.
Respecting Faith - A promise to respect all faith traditions, as an institution grounded in faith, and to honor all people through their introspective journeys.
Respecting Diversity - A promise to respect differences, this includes differing political beliefs, religious traditions, gender identities, cultures, all to create a culture of inclusion.
Respecting Community - A promise to respect each other. To look out for our peers, creating bonds and developing friendships, to this sisterhood.
Principal Mary Beth Riley also adressed the students, sharing her belief in the importance of faith, prayer and reflection and inspring students to engage in respectful diaglogue. She explained her choice to march in Washington DC in prayerful reflection, and holding the Notre Dame community in her heart. Student leaders then invited their classmates, faculty and staff to join in a silent march around campus. "A march represents an active promise that we make to a cause, a promise to better our world," explained Milan.