Notre Dame’s Class of 2019 stepped up to their first major leadership role last week as they hosted 300 of their prospective little sisters for Eighth Grade Day. In preparation for their role, the entire sophomore class participated in various leadership training sessions over the last several weeks that included public speaking, group facilitation and hospitality.
Audrey Cox, sophomore class president, and Sri Balabhadra ‘17, ASB school vice president, welcomed students and parents in a morning assembly. “The relationships you make today will, hopefully, continue throughout your four years here, should you choose Notre Dame,” shared Sri. “I am grateful that I have had the opportunity to take part in the leadership, clubs and other extracurriculars that Notre Dame has to offer, as I have built some great bonds with my teachers, and met some of my closest friends. All of these experiences have shaped me into the woman I am today, and have given me the tools necessary to embark on a new journey into college.”
Following the assembly, students attended ‘mini’ classes led by sophomore coordinators and Notre Dame faculty members. After brunch, which provided an opportunity for the students to get to know each other, the sophomores hosted a rally for their guests. This glimpse into one of Notre Dame’s most treasured traditions featured a fashion show, big/little sister relay and a performance by the sophomore class cheerleaders. The event, which filled to capacity in mid-October, ended with another time-honored ND tradition, the singing of the alma mater.