By Fiona '25
Photo Credits: Maya '25 and Julianne Johnston
In February, 43 seniors went on a three-day, two-night trip to Green Mountain Retreat in Los Gatos to focus on their personal and spiritual journey as they close out their last year at Notre Dame. The Basilisks were given the space and environment to reflect on themselves, their relationships with family, friends and God. Led by Notre Dame faculty and staff, the seniors engaged in small group discussions, large group activities and free time in nature.
I was fortunate enough to experience this retreat with my peers. At first, I was reluctant to go because I didn’t have a clue what it entailed. Additionally, only a few of my friends attended with me as a requirement for Notre Dame’s Confirmation process. Knowing that I was stepping into something unknown and without many people I knew, I was nervous and timid. However, by the end of the retreat, I was super happy and grateful that I went.
The activities and reflections were comforting as they allowed me to connect with myself on a deeper level. They gave me the space to truly think about my life’s journey, what kind of person I am and how I build relationships with others. I was asked questions that never really crossed my mind, something I greatly appreciated because I believe it’s important to reflect and dig deeper within your mindset.
Another great bonus of the retreat was the beautiful natural landscape that surrounded us. My favorite part was watching the sun rise and set each day, reminding me of the beauty of our world and everything that God’s blessed us with. Along with this, taking nature walks during our free time was really healing. It gave me the space to be at peace and one with everything around me. This connection helped me realize the importance of not taking everything around me for granted. I should often take a step back and admire the world’s beauty.
After experiencing Senior Retreat, I’ve come to realize the power of self-reflection and relationships with others and myself. As a class, we were all able to learn more about ourselves on a more personal level while also bonding with each other. This was the perfect way to close out our senior year and take a break from all our busy schedules. This experience is one I’ll always remember—one with many meaningful realizations and life lessons that I will definitely carry with me into the future.