2024 Robotics Bootcamp

The Janksters Logo

By Sana ’27 and Khloe ’27

Notre Dame’s robotics team, The Janksters, held a student-led, four-day bootcamp for 24 incoming students last week. Aimed at fostering interest in robotics and building team spirit, the bootcamp gave prospective rookie students an exciting peek into a season with the Janksters.

The week began on Monday with an introduction to the Janksters' four committees: Business, Mechanics, Electronics and Programming. Over the first two days, the rookies rotated through workshops in each committee, where they learned foundational skills and gained hands-on experience. The workshops covered various topics: an introduction to team branding and Adobe Illustrator, power tool and 3D Design training, wire crimping and motor introduction and basic programming concepts and practices.

On Wednesday, the day began with two additional workshops: "Janky 101," which introduced the rookies to the history of the team, and "Driving 101," where they got to meet Rosa and Caroline, the Janksters' robots from the past two years. The rest of the day was dedicated to a group project where the rookies were split into teams to design and build their own Rube Goldberg machines. Rookies worked together to plan and execute their designs using the tools and supplies available in the CWL102 Lab and the Janksters’ closet. They also utilized Adobe Illustrator to design posters and develop a group brand, and used the Jankster swag and merchandise to accessorize their machines.

Thursday marked the finish line of the Rube Goldberg projects. Rookies presented their Rube Goldberg machines and shared their experiences and lessons learned throughout the design and build process. Before going back into workshops, everyone gathered for a potluck, where Janksters and rookies continued to build a sense of community. In the afternoon, the rookies chose two exploratory workshops to go more in-depth into topics covered from earlier in the week, allowing them to develop their areas of interest.

The bootcamp wasn't just a learning experience for the rookies. It also offered opportunities for growth for the veteran Janksters who led the event. As they guided the new students through the workshops, veterans improved their leadership skills through communication and management. With feedback from rookies at the end of each day, veterans reflected and set goals for improvement throughout the week. As veterans spent more and more time with the underclassmen, they built stronger relationships within the team. Reese ’27 says, “It’s amazing to see how eager and passionate the new students are. I can’t wait to see how they grow and contribute to the team this year!”

Throughout the entire week, Janksters and rookies bonded through various activities, including sharing "JankSTARs," or appreciation notes that recognized each other's efforts, and participating in fun games to help everyone get more comfortable with each other. This bonding helped create a welcoming and supportive environment that made the bootcamp both educational and fun.

Overall, the Janksters’ 12th annual bootcamp was a success! It not only introduced rookies to high school but also to the tight-knit community that is The Janksters. The bonds formed during this week will undoubtedly strengthen as the rookies continue their journey with the team.

Students using drills

Students using circular saw

Students testing their machines

Students wiring

Students programming