By Anusha Trivedi ’23
During the week of February 13, many Notre Dame students attended senior retreat at the San Damiano Retreat Center in Danville. In total, 61 seniors joined the three day, two night trip that focused on community building and spirituality seeking. Students were able to take a break from their busy senior year schedules and spend some time connecting with each other away from home. During the retreat, they spent time in nature, interacting with animals including goats, horses, dogs and more. Seniors also shared their Senior Service Learning Project reflections and what they learned from their year of service. These experiences were based on a Kairos model, which is a leadership model meant to encourage growth, self-discovery and mindfulness.
On retreat, students formed stronger bonds and friendships with their classmates and were able to participate in essential self-reflection during this important time of their lives. One senior, Elena ’23, shared her thoughts on the experience. “The senior retreat truly deepened bonds between students and mentors alike, allowing room for honest discourse and encouraging genuine care for one another in ways uniquely distinct from conversations on campus,” she said. “The experience was one I am certain I will always carry with me.”