By Luce Cada '23
Over the past few weeks, the cast of Notre Dame’s spring musical, “Rise Up! Together We Can Overcome,” has been working hard to put together its first virtual musical. “Rise Up!” is a collection of songs from musicals that fit the overarching theme of overcoming hardships together. From Hamilton to Xanadu, this cabaret-style musical is full of songs and choreographies that are encouraging and enjoyable.
Last year, the spring musical had to be canceled due to COVID and the sudden closure of the school. But this year, the VAPA department has worked to create a beautiful show that can be enjoyed in the comfort of our homes. The songs were taught over Zoom by Ms. Paulson and were then recorded by the cast of the musical. The choreography and blocking were taught by Mrs. King and Mrs. Andrus. The student tech crew and design crew put a lot of effort into sets and costumes as well. All numbers were filmed by Mariel Temesi ‘15 and Mrs. King on the ND campus and in various locations in downtown San Jose. One song was filmed at a baseball field about 30 minutes away from campus, while others were filmed in the 3rd street parking lot. They also included a song from last year’s show, featuring Rhy Mack ‘21, who was part of the previous musical. Rhy is one of two seniors who are part of the 12-member cast, although varsity and junior varsity RCDC (Regional Collective Dance Company) participated in many numbers as well.
A lot of time and effort has gone into this year’s musical, and there have been many pros and cons to it. It might have been hard to learn songs without listening to each other, but being able to film it has made it easier to perform and gave more opportunities for camera angles and effects. Even though this show doesn’t have a definite plot, it is sure to remind you of the moments we’re experiencing now and how we can come back stronger if we stick together. “Rise Up!” will premiere on April 30th at 7:00 PM, and you can RSVP HERE. You won’t want to miss it!