by DeEnna Holohan, Director of College Counseling
Typically at this time of the year we are preparing for our annual ice cream social in Pardini Park for seniors to celebrate their college admission decisions. In this year of COVID-19 the landscape of college admissions has changed but the celebratory nature of this process has not. With each student that posts their decision of where they will attend next year I am equally proud and so incredibly happy for them. Now is a time of reflection for our seniors, for all that they have accomplished at ND, and for what fantastic achievements await for them on their college campuses. I have been extremely impressed by my colleagues on the college side of the desk for the student-centered work they are doing in supporting current seniors. They are reviewing and adapting financial aid packages in response to the current financial landscape, modifying deposit deadlines, and offering virtual visit days to help students make final decisions.
For senior parents, here is a fantastic blog post written by Julie Lythcott-Haimes, former Stanford University dean of admissions, about how to talk about starting college in the fall given the current state of the world.
Younger students are beginning to think about the college process ahead and, especially for the juniors, how the current pandemic might impact their search and decision-making experience. Below, are listed some links to some resources addressing the most common topics families have been asking about.
- NACAC College Admission Status Update: This site is a central resource of information about changes in college admissions amid the outbreak.
- Virtual Visits: Strive Scan has put together three weeks of virtual college sessions with panelists from over 300 colleges and universities. The event runs through May 8th, register at the link.
- Testing: Given the current landscape, more than 1,000 colleges and universities have become test-optional for the 2020-21 admission cycle. Linked here is a wonderful resource from our friends at Compass Prep about the state of SAT’s, ACT’s and AP tests.
As I have met with more than 50 families of ND juniors for college conferences over the last month on Zoom, my conversations are about looking forward and being excited about what is to come in the college process. During this time, current sophomores have been meeting with Ms. Perkins from Notre Dame's Career & Life Success program to work on setting personal goals. Current freshmen will be working on plans when we return to school in the fall.
Note that we have some fantastic upcoming programming:
May 15: Zoom - Launching to College for parents of seniors
June 2: Zoom - College Essay Workshop for rising seniors with Mason Heller, University of Chicago
July 13-17: Summer College Prep-Class for rising seniors