Shruti Sridhar '20 was recently named as one of the top 300 scholars in the Regeneron Science Talent Search 2020, the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science and math competition for high school seniors. The Regeneron Science Talent Search scholars were selected from 1,993 applications received from 659 high schools across 49 states, Washington, DC, Puerto Rico, Guam and eight countries. Scholars were chosen based on their exceptional research skills, commitment to academics, innovative thinking and promise as scientists and hail from 192 American and international high schools in 39 states and Guam. Shruti's project was titled Investigating Genetic Mechanisms of the Vascular Endothelium Using Deep Learning and Single-Cell Transcriptome Analytics.
The Regeneron Science Talent Search provides students a national stage to present original research and celebrates the hard work and novel discoveries of young scientists who are bringing a fresh perspective to significant global challenges. This year, research projects cover topics from medicine and health to environmental science.