Students Lobby in Sacramento

Students Lobby in Sacramento

By Isha Trivedi '19

On Monday, April 23, a group of Notre Dame students from the Muslim Student Association participated in the 7th annual Muslim Day at the Capital (MDAC), lead by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR. 

As a part of the event, students were added to legislative groups and were assigned various representatives and senators to lobby on certain bills. The bills currently being discussed were AB 2291 on school safety and bullying, AB 2184 on business licenses for immigrants, and AB 931, about use of force and weapons by police. After reading up on each bill and preparing their thoughts, the students went in to speak to the senators/representatives. While some groups spoke to the representatives themselves, some were only able to speak to their aides. 

After going to the representatives’ office, students had the opportunity to attend workshops and speakers with some of the CAIR lawyers and leaders. The group from Notre Dame also had the opportunity to attend the press conference during which each bill and its’ importance was explained to a group of reporters. 

The experience was great for students interested in activism and advocacy and exemplified the power students have even if they are not yet old enough to vote. For more information on the MDAC and CAIR, visit