Emily '18 and Manasa '20 will have their art included in this year's NUMU (New Museum Los Gatos) ArtNow competition and exhibit. Selected from more than 1,400 submissions, their pieces will be judged by university art instructors. NUMU offers a total of $10,000 in scholarships and awards to encourage students to pursue a profession in the visual arts.
ArtNow is an annual Santa Clara County arts exhibition and educational program, presented by NUMU (New Museum Los Gatos). ArtNow offers an opportunity for high school student artists from Palo Alto to Gilroy to gain real-world experience at creating and presenting artwork in a competitive environment. Each year a new theme is given to inspire student creativity. The 2018 exhibition theme is “Perspectives.” Judges look for significant and thoughtful investigation of the theme, meaningful use of materials, and the imaginative communication of ideas. Each accepted work of art is exhibited with the artist's statement at NUMU.