By Isha Trivedi '19
As the 2017-2018 school year starts to pick up the pace, so do the extra-curricular activities that go along with it. With representatives from 25 clubs, 10 interest groups and many other co-curriculars present, Friday's club fair marked the first time students were exposed to all the opportunities for involvement at Notre Dame.
ND offers a wide range of cultural clubs that reflect the diversity of our student body––the South Asian Student Association (SASA), Muslim Student Association (MSA), Filipino Student Association (FSA), Latinas Unidas, Jewish Cultural Club, Greek Cultural Club, the Vietnamese Student Association (VSA), and Chinese Cultural Club. These clubs are a great way to learn more about different cultures in fun and interesting ways. Later on in the year, these clubs also work together to present a Multicultural Showcase to share the fashion, food, and traditions from their respective communities.
Despite what some may think, the Associated Student Body (ASB) class or school council positions are not the only way for students to get involved at ND. Club officer positions are a great way to learn leadership/public speaking skills and to meet new people. At a recent club officer training, students learned about the importance of social media in communications (to keep club members involved), as well as how to structure their meetings in the most engaging and interesting way possible.