Notre Dame's commitment to spirituality, service and justice is evident in signature programs led by mission and ministry. Inspired by St. Julie Billiart, her charism of goodness and the Hallmarks of a Notre Dame de Namur Learning Community, students join with faculty, staff, families and community partners to explore a Catholic worldview for a multifaith community.
Campus Minister - Spirituality
Mission & Ministry Operations Manager
Director of Mission & Ministry
The religious studies team provides a curriculum that supports spiritual, emotional and academic growth and is inspired by St. Julie's charism and Catholic social teachings.
Students are invited to participate in a number of retreat opportunities, which provide an opportunity to come together in joy and friendship for fun activities and self-reflection.
Notre Dame includes community service learning as part of its graduation outcomes to prepare each young woman to be socially responsible and answer the call to be a person of justice.
Opportunities to minister to the Notre Dame community include the Peer Ministry Leadership Team and TASC (Teaching, Advising & Serving the Community).
All students participate in school-wide liturgies and opportunities for prayer both on campus and in our downtown place of worship, the Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph.
A Notre Dame education begins with the spiritual gifts of St. Julie and the Sisters of Notre Dame. Their charism provides the spiritual lens that shapes our Catholic perspective and program.