Congratulations Class of 2024





The Dragons share reflections of their high school years and hopes for the future.



Saint Louis University - Vice Presidents' Scholarship

Throughout my time at Notre Dame, I have been able to realize my role as a social justice advocate and leader, and discover what I am most passionate about. Like ND, St. Louis University also highly emphasizes compassion and service to the community. I hope to combine my future goal of becoming a physician with my interest in community service to address injustices in the healthcare system. Go Billikens!



University of San Diego - Alcalá Award
Political Science

My time at Notre Dame has taught me many wonderful things that I hope to carry forward into the next four years. What has truly impacted me is our drive for social reform and advocacy for our community’s needs and global issues. We are taught how to make our voices heard when they are needed, which will ease the transition into my intended degree of Political Science. I chose the University of San Diego because it offers me the opportunity to explore all areas of law while providing sunny weather almost all year round!



Purdue University
Engineering/Aerospace Engineering

I want to thank ND for giving me the chance to explore new things and meet many new people. Being a student here has given me the opportunity to truly develop myself as both a learner and someone that is part of a broader community. I hope to continue pursuing my passions I developed at ND in college and follow in the footsteps of other women in STEM, making a difference in the world around me.



Loyola Marymount University - Arrupe Scholarship and Matthew Francis Betkouski Scholarship
Computer Engineering

Notre Dame has allowed me to grow my confidence and leadership skills, and I will forever be grateful. It has made me realize that school isn't just about academics but also about creating a strong community that can advocate, lead, and support. I chose LMU because of its welcoming community and because it allows me to balance academics and extracurricular activities. I'm most excited about LMU’s on-campus ramen vending machine and discovering more food places in LA. I will continue to be curious and explore what I am passionate about.



University of California, Santa Barbara
Aquatic Biology

I chose UC Santa Barbara because of their wide range of opportunities, beautiful campus, and commitment to inclusivity. Knowing that Notre Dame has prepared me in every aspect of being a learner, I am excited to continue my educational path




University of California, Berkeley
Data Science and Statistics

I am incredibly grateful for my experiences at Notre Dame which have been nothing short of transformative. Throughout my four years, I have developed a deep sense of community and learned what it means to be a lifelong learner inside and outside the classroom. I am excited for my next steps at UC Berkeley, an institution that mirrors the same commitment to justice, inclusivity, and equity. Go Bears!



University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

I chose UIUC because of its excellent psychology program, and its reputable opportunities during and after college. I would love to travel around the world, maybe on a semester abroad or another study program in a new area. Additionally, I am interested in volunteering at new institutions, and getting an internship. I'm excited to apply all I've learned from my Notre Dame experience into the real world!



Harvard University
Computer Science and Government

My Notre Dame education has taught me the importance of advocacy and curiosity. The experiences I have had as part of the debate and robotics program are invaluable, and I will carry the skill set I have acquired through both activities as I embark on my college journey. I chose Harvard for the opportunity to study technology with the lens of a liberal arts education. At ND, I have learned about the social justice issues that our generation will confront. I plan to pursue a joint major in Computer Science and Government so I can study and develop the technology to solve those challenges.



University of California, Los Angeles
Political Science

Notre Dame has equipped me with essential leadership skills and empowered me through unconditional support from my teachers and peers. I’m excited to start the next chapter of my life at UCLA as a political science major. Go Bruins!




Rice University
Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering

Attending an institution as centered on women's leadership as Notre Dame has been an absolute blessing. In these four years, I have truly blossomed in confidence, poise, and self-belief – all a product of Notre Dame’s commitment to creating young women of impact. In a community that echoes Notre Dame, I have chosen to attend Rice University for its tight-knit, empowering community and unique focus on societal good through STEM disciplines. I know my ND journey will be instrumental to my future as I aspire to become an engineer and scientist at Rice and beyond. Go Owls!



University of California, Berkeley
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

My time at Notre Dame has been incredibly enriching. The supportive community, dedicated teachers, and lifelong lessons I gained here have played a crucial role in shaping the person I am today. As I look forward to my next chapter at UC Berkeley, I am excited to continue cultivating curiosity and striving to make a meaningful impact on the world. Go Bears! 


Aramina Mae

Oregon State University - Western Undergraduate Exchange Scholarship
Chemical Engineering

My experience at ND has taught me to step out of my comfort zone and push myself to be the best I can be. I would like to especially thank Ms. Vu, who ignited my passion for chemistry and inspired me to major in chemical engineering. I’ve had many opportunities to grow as a leader by being a club officer and through my advocacy work. I chose Oregon State to further my passions and continue growing as a leader and as a life-long learner. Go Beavs!



University of California, Irvine
Biomedical Engineering - Premedical

From Notre Dame, I'm taking away a deeper appreciation for diversity, a stronger sense of empathy, and valuable leadership skills. I've learned to embrace different perspectives, collaborate effectively, and advocate for positive change. ND has not only expanded my knowledge but also shaped my character, empowering me to make a meaningful impact in the world. I chose UC Irvine for its great programs in my field of interest and the vibrant campus culture. While I'm focused on my studies, I plan on volunteering with the community and doing internships to gain experience.



Santa Clara University

Coming from a middle school where the student body wasn’t very diverse (in personality and identity), Notre Dame was like a breath of fresh air for me. Despite a rough first year online, this community has helped me become more confident in myself, for which I'll always be grateful. It was also at ND where I discovered my fondness of reading and writing, and the reason why I’ve chosen to become an English major at Santa Clara University. Though I’ll miss the no-finals policy and many of my classmates and teachers, I’m excited to see what awaits me in college. Go Broncos!

Bella Zenaida

Bella Zenaida

University of San Francisco - Dons Legacy Scholarship
English Literature

ND has taught me so much about sisterhood and family, but that's not just because my sister is now a freshman. I have made a family out of my classmates here at ND, and I am so excited to grow in the next chapter of my life.




Gonzaga University  - Grant and Merit Scholarship

Notre Dame has taught me how to be a part of a community as a student, co-worker, and an athlete. I chose to attend Gonzaga University to continue my education in a school that focuses on working with the community. Notre Dame helped me find a major I will be passionate about, and for the next four years, I will study Kinesiology. I plan on studying abroad for a semester in Florence, Italy through Gonzaga and learn more about new environments and cultures. Go Zags!



University of California, Davis
Biomedical Engineering

Over the past four years, if there is one value that I’ve learned, it’s resilience. ND has taught me to rise up to any challenge and face it head-on. An ND education has prepared me for the future as I have learned to advocate for justice, become confident in my skin, create lasting relationships, and be a lifelong learner. As I go off to UC Davis, I look forward to meeting new people and learning from their unique life experiences and perspectives. I hope to embody the values that ND has instilled in me and use them in my career to help others. Go Aggies!



George Washington University
International Affairs

Notre Dame taught me the concept of a justice advocate and what that means in the contemporary world, beyond the traditional norms and in the present-day nuances. With a community that fosters individual growth, Notre Dame encouraged me to pursue an ambitious dream where I speak for marginalized voices that are overlooked by overarching governments. Continuing my education at George Washington University with a major in International Affairs, Notre Dame holds a special place in my heart as a support system that helped me in my journey as a powerful young woman.



University of California, Irvine

Notre Dame has a vibrant community where students collaborate and teachers are motivated to coach and help their students. Through this environment, I have been able to focus on my education while still having fun and learning about myself. I plan to bring the skills and knowledge that Notre Dame has instilled in me all the way to college and beyond. Although it's sad to say goodbye, I am super excited to continue my education at UC Irvine, where I will major in dance! 



West Valley College
Theatre Arts

ND has given me some much-needed confidence and public speaking skills. I have chosen to attend West Valley College because it is close to home and will allow me to complete all my general education requirements before transferring to a 4-year university to focus on my major. It also allows me to explore various classes to find what I want to do. Over the summer and while at West Valley, I plan to do a lot of theatre! 



University of Washington

Throughout my time at ND, I have learned how to pursue my passions and made many great friends. It has been so rewarding to have such a supportive community over the past four years, which enabled me to grow creatively and socially. I will bring those lessons to UW, where its location in Seattle as well as its diversity will allow me to embrace the new community and environment. Go Huskies!



University of Southern California
Public Relations & Advertising

Notre Dame’s emphasis on social justice and women’s leadership has shaped me into the person I am today. Over the past four years, I’ve realized my leadership abilities, developed a passion for bettering the systems that govern our daily lives, and become more confident in myself. I’ve also had the privilege of learning alongside young women who embody these same values. At USC, I am excited to pursue my passion for serving the public good in the media capital of the world. I hope to utilize public relations to empower minority voices that deserve to be heard. Fight on!



Oregon State University  - Western Undergraduate Exchange Scholarship
Animal Science

From my ND experience, I’ve learned lifelong lessons about perseverance, teamwork, and the joy of pursuing my passions. I’m so grateful for all the connections and friendships I’ve made at ND; it has truly shaped who I am. I chose Oregon State University because of its animal sciences program and research opportunities. At OSU, I hope to continue my journey and apply what I've learned at ND to make more meaningful contributions to my new community.



Loyola Marymount University - Presidential Scholarship and Jesuit Community Scholarship

I chose LMU because of its amazing psychology program and the wonderful experiences alums have had there. It definitely helps that it's located in LA and that it has a beautiful campus. Notre Dame has helped me grow not only as a student but as a person, and I will always appreciate the support I have received in the past four years.



San Jose State University
Psychology and Music Education

ND has taught me how to believe in myself and advocate for myself whenever necessary. I also learned how to find the right people for a great support system, including teachers, administrators, and students alike! I chose SJSU because of the Music Education and Psychology programs led by amazing professors. I hope to continue my volunteering opportunities at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library right on the SJSU campus as well! 



Purdue University
Biochemistry, Minor in Psychology

I am so grateful to have called Notre Dame my home for the past four years (I’m definitely going to miss being a dragon). ND has taught me all that I need to know for life, from how to build a car out of cardboard to how to write an essay in forty minutes, and I would gladly do it all again. I chose Purdue because of the traditional college experience and world-class facilities that it offers. I also wanted the experience of living somewhere suburban, having grown up in very urban environments. I’m so excited for this next chapter in my life. GO BOILERMAKERS!



University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - FIRST Scholarship

Notre Dame has equipped me with confidence in leadership and expanded my societal, cultural, and religious worldviews in ways I could not have imagined, through thought-provoking discussions and open spaces for deep reflection. As I embark on a new journey as a bioengineering student at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, I look forward to building upon these invaluable lessons. They will serve as a solid foundation for my pursuits in the computational healthcare sector, enabling me to serve local communities in a world of constant technological evolution. I-L-L! 



Gonzaga University - Merit Scholarship and Gonzaga Leaders Scholarship

With the immense opportunities Notre Dame offers, I joined every leadership position I could, learned how to parallel park on the streets of downtown and found my passion for healthcare. Through these experiences, I learned that I want to be a nurse and study public health. For this reason, I will be attending Gonzaga University in the fall. I chose Gonzaga for its 4-year direct nursing program, guaranteeing my future success and dreams of becoming a nurse and pursuing a doctorate in the future. 



University of California, Berkeley

Notre Dame has definitely set the standards for leadership and lifelong learning for me. From serving on the Yearbook & Press Corps Team for four years to being a Thespian representing our theatre troupe, I've grown and learned through the guidance of my peers and teachers. Most importantly, I stepped outside my boundaries to challenge myself with the various opportunities here at ND. Stepping into UC Berkeley will be a new, possibly challenging chapter for me. Nevertheless, I'm excited to apply what I have gained from ND to continue my development as a learner and leader.



University of California, Davis
Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior

My time at Notre Dame has taught me to constantly be curious and to ask questions both about myself and others. The experiences I’ve had inside and outside of the classroom have helped shape the person I am today. The leadership opportunities I challenged myself to take have made me realize that leadership is about caring for others and not just a role or title to fulfill. As I prepare for the next chapter of my life, I’m excited to see what my future holds, and I can’t wait to make my impact on the world. Go Aggies!



New York University  - Global Pathways Scholarship
American Literature and Addiction Rehabilitation Studies

Rooted in Notre Dame High School's commitment to lifelong learning, I've embraced the principles of women's leadership and empowerment. As I embark on NYU's First Year Away program in Florence, Italy, I see this as an opportunity to expand my horizons and become a more informed global citizen. This experience will enrich my journey, shaping me to advocate for gender equality and empowerment while studying Literature and Addiction Rehabilitation at NYU.



Duke University

Notre Dame has taught me not only the academic skills necessary for my future, but the importance of forming diverse connections in my community. From balancing chemical equations in the classroom to leading clubs, I know that my time at Notre Dame will continue to inform the way I speak for justice, lead with pride, and educate myself for life. At Duke, I hope to continue creating meaningful connections where I can dedicate myself to the study of neuroscience, biochemistry, and research in a way that demonstrates both excellence and passion.



Stanford University
Computer Science, Urban Studies and Public Policy

Surrounded by brilliant peers and guided by supportive teachers at ND, I've cultivated a love for learning and a habit of questioning the status quo. From my leadership roles to my engagement in stimulating classroom discussions, I have grown into someone who seizes every experience as an opportunity to learn. Now, I will be attending Stanford University in the fall. I am excited to merge my interests in the social sciences as well as computational science and technology to enact transformative change, serving both my local and global community.



University of Washington  - Purple and Gold Scholarship

Notre Dame introduced me to interdisciplinary learning. I would not have pursued the college or chosen the major I did if it weren’t for all of my ND classes that connected concepts across subjects and time. I love the values ND holds, and I plan to continue my path of learning and curiosity. I am grateful for all the memories I made here, and I cannot wait to see where life takes us all. 



University of Washington - Purple & Gold Scholarship

During my time at ND, I had the privilege of finding the support and strength to become a better leader. Being engaged in school activities taught me balance, dedication, and how to connect with others in the face of challenges. Those connections inspired me to pursue science education and to commit myself to helping others. UW gives me the opportunity to apply those skills in a diverse city, with a new environment and community. Being at ND has taught me that I will always have plenty of love back home, and I’m excited to take that love with me to Seattle for the next four years. Go Huskies!



Pitzer College - Tuition Exchange Scholarship
Environmental Analysis and Policy

Notre Dame instilled in me strong values and introduced me to a community of caring, generous people. I will be forever grateful for the emphasis on student voices and care for the whole person that is unique to Notre Dame. The tools I learned prepared me well to assume the role of school president and develop leadership skills that I will continue to expand on at Pitzer. Go Sagehens!



Pomona College

Being at ND has been a transformative experience, as I’ve learned to advocate for justice and think critically. I’ve seen my growth as a leader and a better person in my community, whether through various student activities or the supportive environment for volunteering. Carrying what I’ve learned from ND, I’m more than excited to attend Pomona College as an Economics major. The passion for learning and thriving, the close-knit community, and the diverse student body make Pomona the perfect place for me to pursue a liberal arts education and my major (or potentially majors)!



University of California, Davis
Applied Chemistry

During my time at Notre Dame, I have learned how to become more confident in myself and my beliefs. ND’s positive student environment helped me grow, thrive, and learn how to appreciate the things around me. I chose UC Davis because I loved the campus and student environment, and I believe that it will help me grow both academically and personally. Go Aggies!



University of California, Los Angeles
Computer Science

Notre Dame has been instrumental in shaping my leadership skills and character through its commitment to inclusion and empathy, celebrating diverse perspectives, and empowering all students through classes and co-curriculars. I chose UCLA for its outstanding academics and similarly supportive environment, and I look forward to pursuing a major in computer science, contributing to a new community, and collaborating on innovative solutions to pressing issues. By developing me into a justice advocate and lifelong learner, Notre Dame’s influence will always guide my journey forward.



University of Southern California - Deans Scholar National Merit Scholarship & Olivia and Frank Filippi Scholarship
Human Biology (Pre-Med)

Pursuing my next endeavors at USC will allow me to continue building upon my leadership skills, academic rigor, and the values I’ve maintained within myself. Being able to strengthen the pursuit of my passions in a ‘work hard, play hard’ environment was a true turning point within my college decision. I look forward to advancing towards my medical career, and applying what I’ve learned both at home and from Notre Dame to the outside world. This is only the beginning of my journey, and I’m filled with excitement and gratitude. So with that being said, “fight on!”



University of Toronto - Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarship
Immunology and Global Health

The ND community has encouraged me to explore my passion for science in many different ways. Whether studying biology in classes or debating global health topics in Model UN, Notre Dame has shown me the intersectionality of fields like medicine and social justice. I look forward to continuing to develop my passion for immunology and global health in Toronto next year.



San Jose City College

Leadership, confidence, and the ability to create meaningful connections with peers are the key takeaways from my experience at Notre Dame.




Yale University
Ethics, Politics & Economics and East Asian Studies

Notre Dame’s focus on leadership and social justice has been invaluable in spurring my passion for public service. It has taught me why diverse youth voices must be nurtured and included at every table. At Yale, a community that also values collaboration and advocacy, I plan to continue examining how governments and people alike can address national and global crises. As I explore a future in public policy, law, or global diplomacy, I’m excited to discover how I can amplify minority voices and dismantle systems of oppression. Boola boola!